By Francisco Doménech for Ventana al Conocimiento

If physicists wrote history, we would now be in the second century of our era, specifically the year 116 of Planck, the German physicist who changed our view of the world when he laid the cornerstone of quantum theory in the year 1900 (of the Christian era.) And incredibly, some of his professors had recommended that he devote himself to mathematics, as physics had no future.

Nernst, Einstein, Planck, Millikan and von Laue at a dinner in Berlin in 1931. 

When Max Planck (1858-1947) entered university, it seemed that in the field of physics everything had already been discovered. By the end of the nineteenth century physicists understood movement, matter, energy, heat, electromagnetism and light very well when they were considered separately, but how they related to each other was less clear. For example, physicists had trouble explaining the way in which hot bodies radiate energy.

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