107 documents

"The Velocity of Sound." 1920s.
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Translation of 'Remarks on the Apparent Selective Reflection of X-Rays in Crystals', W. Kossel, z. f. Phys., 23, 278 (1924). 1920s.
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"Magnetic Susceptibility and Chemical Combination." 1920s.
View all information. 18 pages total.

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"treatment of spectroscopic data for HCl with use of half quantum numbers". 1923.
View all information. 31 pages total.

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Notes on 'Quantizing non-Harmonic Oscillator-Rotators', M. Born and Hückel, Phys. z., 24, 1 (1923). 1923.
View all information. 6 pages total.

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"Inter-ionic Attraction in Dwarf Stars." 1924.
View all information. 8 pages total.

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"Sizes of Electrons and Protons." November 1, 1924.
View all information. 6 pages total.

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Notes on 'On the Theory of Quanta', M.H. Poincarè, Journal de Physique, 2, ser. 5, 5 (1912). 1925.
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"Group Theory and Chemical Combination." 1925.
View all information. 11 pages total.

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Translation and Notes on 'Schallausbreitung in Teilweise Dissoziierten Gasen', A. Einstein, Sitz. der preuss. Akad. Der Wiss., (1920). 1925.
View all information. 12 pages total.

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"Vapor Pressures Near Absolute Zero." February 28, 1925.
View all information. 18 pages total.

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"The Entropy of a Polyatomic Gas at Very Low Temperatures." March 8, 1925.
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Notes on 'Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Statistichen Mechanik', A.Wassmuth, Sammlung Vieweg, Heft 25. May 7, 1925.
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"The Canonical Distribution." May 10, 1925.
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"Intensitäten nach der Wellenmechanik." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 14 pages total.

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"The Wave Mechanics Treatment of 'Penetrating Orbits.'" 1926 - 1927.
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"The Hydrogen Mol-Ion in the Wellenmechanik." 1926 - 1927.
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"Eigenfunctions for a Two-Atom Model." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 24 pages total.

  Introductory Notes
Introductory Notes
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Notes on 'Die Wasserstoffähnlichen Spelstren von Standpunkt der Polarisierbarkeit des Atomorenipfes', Schrödinger, Anm. d. Physik. 77, 43 (1925). 1926 - 1927.
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"X-ray Levels and Inverted Terms." 1926 - 1927.
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"Hyperfine Structure — with lisi=ji Coupling." 1926 - 1927.
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"The Interaction Between a Nuclear Spin and Orbital Spinning Electrons." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 14 pages total.

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"The Mutual Energy of Two Dipoles." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 9 pages total.

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"Bismuth with 2sp and 1 7s Electrons." 1926 - 1927.
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"Association Due to Dipoles." 1926 - 1927.
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"For ½ nitrob., ½ benz. About Equal Numbers of A and A2 are Present." 1926 - 1927.
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"The Harmonic Oscillator." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 9 pages total.

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"The Hydrogen Molecule." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 12 pages total.

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"Quantum Mechanics Averages." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 6 pages total.

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"He Spectrum, or H2." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 19 pages total.

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No Title. 1926 - 1927.
"To find the potential due to the density e -(p1+pi), on the axis..."  View all information. 36 pages total.

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"The Combination of Two Hydrogen Atoms." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 15 pages total.

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"Penetration of Non-Penetrating Orbits." 1926 - 1927.
View all information. 12 pages total.

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"Atomic Radii." 1926 - 1927.
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"Atomic Radii – Application of Bohr Theory to Atomic (Ionic) Radii." 1926 - 1927.
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Notes on ‘On the Electrical Nature of Chemical Forces’, M. Born, Z. f. Elektrochemie, 30, 382 (1924). 1926 - 1927.
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My Travels. 1926 - 1927.
Travel diary co-written by Ava Helen and Linus Pauling chronicling the highlights of their experiences in Western Europe from March...  View all information. 79 pages total.

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"The Electrical Conductivity of Metallic Solid Solutions." August 3, 1926.
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"The Wave Functions for the Hydrogen Atom." October 26, 1926.
View all information. 15 pages total.

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Examination: Introduction to Wave Mechanics. 1927.
Examination for a class taught by LP -- Introduction to Wave Mechanics, Ch 156a.  View all information. 

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Lecture Notes: Quantum Mechanics. 1927 - 1928.
[Originally collated by LP]  View all information. 194 pages total.

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"London’s paper. General ideas on bonds." 1928.
[LP Annotation: "Here we have the first discussion of hybridization"].  View all information. 24 pages total.

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"Thomas’s Atoms." 1928.
View all information. 13 pages total.

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Translation of 'Quantum Theory of the Monatomic Perfect Gas', A. Einstein, Setz. P. Ak. Wiss., 261 (1924). 1928.
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Translation of ‘Quantum Theory of Monatomic Perfect Gas’, A. Einstein, Setz. P. Ak. Wiss., 3 (1925). 1928.
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Translation of 'Thermal Equilibrium in Radiation Field in Absence of Matter', S.N. Bose, z. Phys., 27, 384 (1924). 1928.
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Translation of 'Des Adiabstenprinzip ui [?] der Quantenmechanik', M. Born, z.f. Phys., 40, 167 (1926). 1928.
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Poem by J. Robert Oppenheimer. 1928.
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"Recipe of Mulliken, Hund, Wigner-Witmer, Herzberg, Lennard-Jones." November 1928.
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Translation of 'Zur Theorie des Kernzerfalls', M. Born, z. f. Phys., 58, 306 (1929). 1929.
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"X-Ray Edges." 1929.
View all information. 11 pages total.

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No Title [re: crystal energies of hydrogen ions]. 1929.
View all information. 14 pages total.

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"Electron Affinities of Halogen Atoms." 1929.
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No Title [re: Pascal’s values for ionic crystal energies]. 1929.
View all information. 9 pages total.

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Berkeley Lectures. February - May 1929.
[Wave Mechanics; Properties of Monatomic Atoms and Ions; Transitions in Quantum Mechanics]  View all information. 199 pages total.

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Notes on "Assignment of Quantum Numbers for Electrons in Molecules. III. Diatomic Hydrides." By Robert Mulliken. May 1929.
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"Calcium Germanate Gells." September 12, 1929.
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Notes re: the structures of Naphthalene, Biphenyl, Anthracene and Cyanamide. 1930s.
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"Comments on Mulliken’s Π paper." 1930s.
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"Sidgwick's 'coordinate bond.'" 1930s.
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Notes and Calculations re: Electronegativity and the Electronegativity Scale. 1930s.
View all information. 39 pages total.

  Electronegativity Scale Data
Electronegativity Scale Data
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Notes on a discussion with W. E. Tisdale. 1930s.
Pauling records advice given to him by Tisdale concerning the demands that Pauling could reasonable make of the Caltech administration,...  View all information. 

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Berkeley Lectures. March - April 1930.
[Introduction to the Quantum Mechanics of Aperiodic Processes]  View all information. 34 pages total.

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"Compact Tetrahedral Structures." May 20, 1930.
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"The Motion of the Electron in the Hydrogen Molecule-ion, and Similar Problems." May 24, 1930.
View all information. 5 pages total.

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"Eigenfunctions for Chemical Bonds." December 1930.
[per LP annotation written Jan 16, 1975]  View all information. 23 pages total.

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"The Nature of the Chemical Bond: The Application of Results Obtained from the Quantum Mechanics and from a New Theory of Paramagnetic Susceptibility to the Structure of Molecules." 1931.
View all information. 91 pages total.

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"The Carbon-Oxygen Bond." 1931.
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"Electric Moments and Bond Type." 1931.
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"Diatomic Molecules." 1931.
View all information. 13 pages total.

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Berkeley Lectures. March - April 1931.
[The Nature of the Chemical Bond]  View all information. 66 pages total.

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"Potential Functions for Electron-pair Bonds." April 19, 1931.
View all information. 12 pages total.

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"sp3d5 eigenfunctions." June 6, 1931.
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Pasadena Lectures. October - December 1931.
[Wave Mechanics with Chemical Applications]  View all information. 56 pages total.

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"Dissociation Energies of Halogen Compounds." November 11, 1931.
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"The Determination of the Structure of Crystals with X-Rays." 1932.
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"Application to the Carnegie Institution of Washington for a Grant in Support of Researches in Structural Chemistry." 1932.
View all information. 12 pages total.

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"The Normal State of the Helium Molecule Ions He2+ and He2++." 1932 - 1934.
View all information. 39 pages total.

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Berkeley Lectures. February - March 1932.
[Transition from One Bond Type to Another and Resonance of a Molecule Among Several Lewis Electronic Structures]  View all information. 58 pages total.

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M.I.T. Lectures. April 1932 - April 1933.
[The Electronic Structure of Molecules]  View all information. 99 pages total.

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"Report on Wave Mechanics, Slater’s Theory of Complex Spectra." April 1932.
View all information. 17 pages total.

  Manuscript - Page 1
Manuscript - Page 1
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"Reconsideration of Bond Energies, with Sherman." October 12, 1932.
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"The Water Molecule." November 14, 1932.
View all information. 5 pages total.

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"Halogen Oxides." December 11, 1932.
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"The Oxygen Molecule." December 16, 1932.
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"The Structure of Hydrargillite, Talc, the Micas, the Brittle Micas, the Chlorites, and Kaolinite." 1933.
View all information. 10 pages total.

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Examinations, Lecture Notes: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with Chemical Applications, Ch 156a, Ch 156b, Ch156c, 1933 - 1934.
Fall, Winter and Spring Terms.  View all information. 200 pages total.

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"The Strength of Bond Orbitals." 1934.
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"Benzene." January 6, 1934.
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"Hybridization of Bond Functions." May 13, 1934.
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"The Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules" 1935.
.  View all information. 40 pages total.

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"The Diamagnetic Anisotropy of Aromatic Molecules and Graphite." June 14, 1936.
View all information. 31 pages total.

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"Outline of the George Fischer Baker Lectureship, Cornell University." 1937 - 1938.
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"The Effect of Charge on Covalent Radius." March 2, 1937.
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"Ionic Character of Bonds." April 11, 1937.
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"Orientation of CN- groups in NaCN." April 1, 1939.
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Review of The Nature of the Chemical Bond by Leslie Sutton. May 1940.
Submitted for publication to Transactions of the Faraday Society  View all information. 

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"Resonance." July 29, 1946.
Written for publication in Encyclopedia Britannica.  View all information. 14 pages total.

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"The Electronic Structure of Excited States of Simple Molecules." June 30, 1948.
View all information. 60 pages total.

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"The Teaching of General Chemistry." March 30, 1949.
Luncheon of the Division of Chemistry Education of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, California  View all information. 

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"Talk to Students". December 10, 1954.
Notes for a short talk delivered to Swedish students during a torchlight procession, prior to Pauling's receipt of the Nobel...  View all information. 

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"Modern Structural Chemistry." December 11, 1954.
Nobel Chemistry Lecture, Stockholm, Sweden  View all information. 21 pages total.

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Notes on fourteen 1921-1922 Oregon Agricultural College physical chemistry students, including Linus Pauling. 1961.
View all information. 7 pages total.

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"Memorial Message -- James Holmes Sturdivant." February 19, 1975.
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"Statement by Linus Pauling about the Manuscript on the Nature of the Chemical Bond." August 6, 1979.
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"The Development of the Concept of the Chemical Bond." January 17, 1983.
First Charles M. and Martha Hitchcock Lecture, University of California, Berkeley  View all information. 12 pages total.

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"X-Ray Crystallography and the Nature of the Chemical Bond." April 18, 1991.
View all information. 10 pages total.

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